How we help Real Estate Agents
Considering options for dealing with the family home and investment properties is key in a property settlement. Div-ide helps couples during this difficult time establish a fair value and financial capacity to help them make the decision to buy, sell, or re-finance independently following the separation. Div-ide can provide guidance on how to navigate the division of real estate assets, ensuring that clients understand their options and make informed choices.
This process allows real estate agents to confidently progress with a sale knowing both parties have an agreed-upon direction and are willing vendors wanting to get the best price for their property.
Compassionate team
Easy handover process
Care for wellbeing
No conflict
Solution focused
Fast moving

Sarah is a real estate agent specialising in residential properties in a busy urban area. She often works with clients who are going through major life transitions, including divorce or separation. One day, Sarah meets with a couple, Alex and Emily, who are considering selling their family home due to their recent decision to divorce. Recognising the complexities involved in selling a property during a divorce, Sarah decides to partner with Div-ide Financial Separation Specialists to provide comprehensive support to Alex and Emily.