7 Online resources to educate yourself about personal finance

In the face of global events, Australians are grappling with how to cope with the rising cost of living. This challenge is particularly acute for those with lower incomes, including many single-parent families. The escalating prices of everyday items like groceries and fuel, coupled with soaring interest rates, demand innovative strategies to manage expenses while maintaining a semblance of normalcy.

Here are 12 practical tips to help you manage rising costs:

  1. Find the Cheapest Fuel: Prices have risen, but you can still save by shopping around. Use apps to find the best fuel prices in your area and always use loyalty cards for extra savings.
  2. Cut Back on Driving: Save on fuel by considering carpooling, using public transportation, walking, or cycling. Planning your trips carefully can reduce unnecessary journeys.
  3. Get Clever with Groceries: Grocery bills are a significant concern. Make a shopping list based on weekly specials and buy in bulk when possible. Avoid shopping on an empty stomach to resist impulse buys.
  4. Reduce Household Bills: Actively seek to lower your bills by comparing providers for gas, electricity, and insurance. Even a simple call to your current providers asking for a better rate can lead to savings.
  5. Use Less Electricity: Small changes like turning off lights and appliances when not in use can save a significant amount over time. Consider energy-efficient appliances and practices to cut costs further.
  6. Re-evaluate Your Mortgage or Rent: If you’re dealing with high-interest rates on your mortgage, talking to a broker about refinancing could save you money. Renters might negotiate lower rent by offering to maintain the property.
  7. Supplement Your Income: Look for ways to earn extra money, whether through a raise, additional hours at work, or a side hustle. Utilising your skills in creative ways can provide a financial buffer.

Further reading: 8 Ways to make money from home.

  1. Redo Your Budget: With the economic landscape changing, it’s essential to revisit your budget. Use tools like the MoneySmart Budget Planner to track your spending and identify savings opportunities.

Further reading: Single Parent Budget Solutions: 10 Free Personal Budget Templates

  1. Smart Use of Credit Cards: Use credit cards wisely by taking advantage of rewards and cashback offers. Always pay off the balance in full to avoid interest charges, which can quickly accumulate.
  2. Streamline Subscriptions and Services: Regularly review your subscriptions, including streaming services, to ensure they’re still necessary. Cancelling unused services can free up money in your budget.
  3. Reconsider your gym membership : Exercise at home or in the park.
  4. Save Cash: Bring your lunch from home and drink the office coffee.

Incorporating these ten essential tips on how to cope with the rising cost of living tips into your daily life can significantly improve your finances. From smarter grocery shopping and reducing utility bills to managing debt and finding ways to increase your income, these strategies are designed to help you navigate financial challenges with confidence. Remember, the key is to track your spending diligently and make informed decisions that bolster your financial well-being.